Grimus (Modern Library Paperbacks)

Grimus (Modern Library Paperbacks)

Salman Rushdie

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Given the gift of immortality after drinking a magic fluid, Flapping Eagle sets off on a journey to the mystical Calf Island to rejoin the human race, and meets a strange assortment of characters along the way, in a new edition of the debut novel by the author of Satanic Verses. Reissue. 15,000 first printing.

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Given the gift of immortality after drinking a magic fluid, Flapping Eagle sets off on a journey to the mystical Calf Island to rejoin the human race, and meets a strange assortment of characters along the way, in a new edition of the debut novel by the author of Satanic Verses. Reissue. 15,000 first printing.

Salman Rushdie

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is a novelist and essayist. Much of his early fiction is set at least partly on the Indian subcontinent. His style is often classified as magical realism, while a dominant...

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