A Woman of Our Times

A Woman of Our Times

Rosie Thomas

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A gripping portrayal of bedroom and boardroom drama Harriet Peacock has everything. What more could she possibly want? She has come a long way. From small shopkeeper and betrayed wife she has made herself the City's darling, her name linked in gossip columns with film star Caspar Jensen. She has come a long way from Simon Archer, the man who invented a brilliantly simple game of chance and skill in a prison camp forty years ago, a game that is the foundation of Harriet's business empire. She has come a long way from her family, friends and former lovers. But when things start going wrong Harriet finds that in love, as in the game, the quickest way to a goal can be the riskiest.

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A gripping portrayal of bedroom and boardroom drama Harriet Peacock has everything. What more could she possibly want? She has come a long way. From small shopkeeper and betrayed wife she has made herself the City's darling, her name linked in gossip columns with film star Caspar Jensen. She has come a long way from Simon Archer, the man who invented a brilliantly simple game of chance and skill in a prison camp forty years ago, a game that is the foundation of Harriet's business empire. She has come a long way from her family, friends and former lovers. But when things start going wrong Harriet finds that in love, as in the game, the quickest way to a goal can be the riskiest.

Rosie Thomas

Janey King, née Morris was born on 1947 in Denbigh, Wales, and also grew up in North Wales. She read English at Oxford, and after a spell in journalism and publishing began writing fiction after the...

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