

Danielle Steel

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For Crystal Wyatt, growing up on a ranch in Northern California, Hollywood seems a million miles away. Yet her captivating beauty singles her out, and her enchanting voice launches her into longed-for stardom. Neither rape, nor murder, nor the darkest scandals could keep her star from rising - even as it leads her away from the man she loves. For Spencer Hill, Crystal is a haunting but unattainable vision. For as his career as a high-powered Washington lawyer takes off, he is trapped by unbreakable professional, family and social ties. Yet even as her star rises in the exalted political world of the Kennedys, his vision never fades. But attaining it could cost him everything he has worked so hard to achieve. Separated by their different worlds, both Crystal and Specer find out what it really means to follow - and become - a star.

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For Crystal Wyatt, growing up on a ranch in Northern California, Hollywood seems a million miles away. Yet her captivating beauty singles her out, and her enchanting voice launches her into longed-for stardom. Neither rape, nor murder, nor the darkest scandals could keep her star from rising - even as it leads her away from the man she loves. For Spencer Hill, Crystal is a haunting but unattainable vision. For as his career as a high-powered Washington lawyer takes off, he is trapped by unbreakable professional, family and social ties. Yet even as her star rises in the exalted political world of the Kennedys, his vision never fades. But attaining it could cost him everything he has worked so hard to achieve. Separated by their different worlds, both Crystal and Specer find out what it really means to follow - and become - a star.

Danielle Steel

Since 1981, Ms. Steel has been a permanent fixture on the New York Times hardcover and paperback bestseller lists. In 1989, she was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having at least one...

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