Making It (Harlequin Temptation)

Making It (Harlequin Temptation)

Elise Title

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Hannah Logan: New York City urban planning consultant. For Hannah, marriage was just another business proposition - a limited partnership.Marc Welles: VP at Ryder Data Inc. Marc believed that sentiment and business didn't mix - not even in marriage.Then they said, "I do."Marc's and Hannah's well-ordered lives turn topsy-turvy. The separate apartments and separate schedules they'd agreed upon were fine for business, but not for marriage. Stranger new emotions - love, jealousy, passion - played havoc with their plans. Hannah and Marc were afraid to admit the truth: they needed to be together.It was the only thing keeping them apart....

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Hannah Logan: New York City urban planning consultant. For Hannah, marriage was just another business proposition - a limited partnership.Marc Welles: VP at Ryder Data Inc. Marc believed that sentiment and business didn't mix - not even in marriage.Then they said, "I do."Marc's and Hannah's well-ordered lives turn topsy-turvy. The separate apartments and separate schedules they'd agreed upon were fine for business, but not for marriage. Stranger new emotions - love, jealousy, passion - played havoc with their plans. Hannah and Marc were afraid to admit the truth: they needed to be together.It was the only thing keeping them apart....

Elise Title

Romance author Elise Title started writing romances as an escape from her job as a psychotherapist in men's and women's prisons. Though her romances are largely lighthearted and funny, she...

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