Stage Whispers (Harlequin Intrigue)

Stage Whispers (Harlequin Intrigue)

Elsie Title

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Danger waited in the wingsIt all began in fun, with plans to perform Rockabye Baby, a mystery play based on Thornhill's most famous scandal - a nearly fifty-year-old kidnapping case that had never been solved.Devoted parent Maggie Mead thrilled everyone with her inspired performance as the bereft mother. Until she declared her goal - to uncover the truth behind the script's carefully crafted lies.Her dashing costar, Kevin Payne, accepted the opportunities his heroic role offered, both on and off stage. He was delighted to play the devoted gumshoe to Maggie's lady in distress.But as the playful fiction unfolded, a dangerous epidemic of stage fright struck the town. For the identity of a non-fictional villain would soon be revealed in the unforgiving glare of the spotlight...and Maggie and Kevin would share center stage.

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Danger waited in the wingsIt all began in fun, with plans to perform Rockabye Baby, a mystery play based on Thornhill's most famous scandal - a nearly fifty-year-old kidnapping case that had never been solved.Devoted parent Maggie Mead thrilled everyone with her inspired performance as the bereft mother. Until she declared her goal - to uncover the truth behind the script's carefully crafted lies.Her dashing costar, Kevin Payne, accepted the opportunities his heroic role offered, both on and off stage. He was delighted to play the devoted gumshoe to Maggie's lady in distress.But as the playful fiction unfolded, a dangerous epidemic of stage fright struck the town. For the identity of a non-fictional villain would soon be revealed in the unforgiving glare of the spotlight...and Maggie and Kevin would share center stage.

Elise Title

Romance author Elise Title started writing romances as an escape from her job as a psychotherapist in men's and women's prisons. Though her romances are largely lighthearted and funny, she...

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